I have been a maker for my entire life. I have dabbled in so many creative areas over the years and the things I love doing the most have stuck around. I pull from all those past experiences daily and use the knowledge in my current work. This makes me a most curious artist. I very often combine techniques and that is how mixed media weaving started.
I blame it on the pandemic actually, because during that time I decided to try weaving on a loom to pass the time. I watched a tutorial and immediately decided that instead of weaving with yarn I would try using paper, book parts, raffia, linen, natural fibers, etc. I was hooked and continued experimenting and trying new things. I drew on my love for weaving baskets, sewing, collage, and even photography because I used my images in the weaving. I actually did use yarn but only because I had some bits in my stash. I didn’t buy any.
(weaving with jute, photo transfer, yarn, kitchen twine, and rusty metal)
I have created a new class called Mixed Media Weaving to share how much fun this can be. Once you understand the basics you can experiment to your hearts content and create unique, textured, wild or not so wild, beautiful works. In the class we make 2 pieces and that should get you started. Then you can explore endless possibilities.
(weaving with kitchen twine, garden twine, coffee filters, rust dyed linen, book parts, cheese cloth, yarn and cedar branch)
weaving with raffia, ripped canvas, rusty linen, and palm fibers
And that is how this new passion began. If you would like some more information on the class you can click here! I hope you will join me. Let’s create something cool together!