Moving forward...

"Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now."  Denis Whartley.

I read this quote this morning and I felt like it was calling my name (maybe yelling at me). I have the worst habit of rehashing the past and wishing for a "do over". What a waste of time and energy! That same time and energy should and will be going into setting my goals for the future and enjoying (or at least paying attention to) the moment that is happening now. With a move in our future and a new chapter ahead of us I hope to embrace this

Creating art to quiet the mind and feed the soul

As a grown adult I have discovered that I have a brain that needs to be quieted, a soul that needs to be fed and a heart that needs to be full.  I struggle on a daily basis to be present and that is very difficult for me. I have phrases that I say to myself and breathing exercises that I do but the one thing that works for me every time is to sit down and create something. I have to be present and I love to become immersed in the feel of the paper, the placement of seemingly insignificant scraps, and the endless possibilities before me. It is therapeutic and becoming a necessary part of my day.


3/52 Light...

The objective for participating in a 52 week photography project is to have 52 new images at the end of the year.  Unfortunately my week has been a little scattered and my camera is misbehaving.  When I take a picture the mirror locks up and I have to play around with it for a while until it decides to come down.  Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't...  EXTREMELY frustrating.  If anyone knows anything about this issue please feel free to comment.  This weeks prompt was "light" and since I wasn't able to shoot something new I am using an older photo that shows beautiful dappled light across these sea shells. 
Preparing for a huge snow fall coming our way on Tuesday...Keep warm and safe!

2/52 Storytelling...

The theme this week for the 52 week project was "storytelling".  I love looking at an image and figuring out what the narrative is.  My image this week is of my grandson but I promise that all my pictures won't be of him...(although I could easily do that).  My husband was playing with him on the floor and I got down on his level.  As new grandparents were are always in awe of this little man and I think you can see this by my husband watching so lovingly in the background.
It's fun to photograph at different levels.  I get lazy sometimes and I have to remind myself to change my point of view.  This picture wouldn't draw me in if I had been standing and looking down.  Getting on his level allows for a look at the world from his perspective.

   2/52 Storytelling

Black and White....

As I mentioned in my last post I am going to work very hard to get back to black and white photography.  Many moons ago I had a dark room and loved it.  I could spend hours and hours in the dark room and loved every minute of it.  I actually started shooting more color images when I started offering photo cards and found people wouldn't buy the black and white ones...they wanted color.
A photograph void of color grabs my attention almost immediately.  When I look at this photograph of my grandchild it speaks volumes to me.