Small affordable and evolving way to buy art.

As an artist I have a tendency to create art in a variety of sizes depending on my mood and energy level. For me, creating a large canvas takes a certain amount of mental energy to psyche myself up but once I’m in the zone it’s fun and exciting. Creating small pieces of art doesn’t require the same level of mental energy so it is what I do in between.


I recently posted a picture on Instagram and it seemed to resonate with many people. Twenty 4” x 4” collages together creating a statement as a group. They were never created to actually go together but they did because I have a tendency to stay within a certain color palette. I started thinking that buying 20 pcs might be out of the question for many people but buying one or two at a time and slowly adding would allow someone to build their collection slowly and at an affordable price. This would also be fun as a gift for a newlywed or someone with their first apartment or house.


I decided certain categories in my shop would be a constant such as the small collage group. They would always be the same size 4” x 4” on the same canvas and the same depth. This way adding to your collection would be easy knowing that they would all be the same on the wall. Buying one or two at a time is affordable and when it’s time to add to the collection you know what you are getting.