Iā€™m Leslie Rottner a multimedia collage artist, maker of natural art brushes, workshop instructor and curious creator. I live in the Adirondacks, in upstate NY, where I am surrounded by texture, color, and natural materials all in the most inspiring place.

I use an intuitive and thoughtful approach to transform often overlooked materials into a new visual story. My work is created with vintage papers, old books, type, and ephemera. I draw inspiration from the age and imperfections of these materials and I create art with a fresh contemporary feel. My work ranges from simple and contemplative to abstract and energetic.

My art brushes are made of found wood for the handles and repurposed vintage paint brushes, brooms, castors and feathers. They are rustic mark making tools with a beauty all their own. They are works of art used to create art.

My studio is my sanctuary. When I step in there everything else falls away. My mind is calm, curious and open to all possibilities. Creativity is at the core of who I am and the act of sharing that creativity is so important to me. Sending a piece of art out into the world or sharing my process through a class adds immeasurable value to my creative journey which I hope is passed on to you.


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