Welcome to Mixed Media Weaving. During the lock down in 2020 I was looking for something to keep me busy other than my mixed media work. I watched a tutorial about weaving and loved the idea but I didn’t want to use traditional materials, I wanted to use all sorts of things and that’s how Mixed Media Weaving began. If I could weave through it was a keeper.

Here is the supply list for supplies I used. The supplies in bold can be found here in my amazon store (#affiliate). There are a couple of other direct links that are not on amazon. I am a firm believer of using what you have first so please don’t feel any pressure to purchase anything you don’t need. For this class especially you can use whatever works.!!

Supply list

Stretcher bars You will need two 12” stretcher bars and two 18” stretcher bars.


¾ “ nails with head





x-acto knife

Black and white image of a tree. I have one available for you or use your own

Matte medium

Spray bottle

Yarn if doing the same weaving as me then choose a deep red. I find all my yarn at thrift shops

Garden twine or yarn in an aqua color also a neutral color for the 2nd piece.


Speedball carve block or a potato or cardboard

Kitchen twine found in most grocery stores

Coffee filters preferably without ridges and white. I use Chemex filters

Cheese cloth found in most grocery stores

Embroidery thread and needle 

Embroidery floss

Large eye needle

Book cover parts in black and red if following my color palette

Rusty metal material for rust dying

Glue gun

Embellishments to stitch on final piece such as feathers, small sticks, rusty metal bits

Mat board to mount

Black and white acrylic paint or any color of your choice

Crochet hook


Strong coffee

Espresso granules

White vinegar

Paint brush cleaner/comb