Black and white film...
I have been participating in some photographic exercises from Chris Orwig's book People Pictures. I have to say that it's been interesting but very hard for me to keep up. I think we are on week 8 but today I'm posting week 3. The reason it's late is because it's black and white film. After taking the pictures I had to send it away, which took over a week, and I just got it back. So sad that it's such a bother to shoot film. I shot film for 25 years and really resisted going to digital but I have to say that I love it. I used to have a dark room with all the chemicals and such and I also loved that. It was a challenge to go back to film and now I want to do more of it. We were to pick 5 of our favorite pictures after shooting a full roll. My favorites were of my niece. Instead of 5 I picked 3.
Shades of Pink...
Farmer's Market Dreaming...
More collage work...
I've been challenging myself for the past 2 weeks to create a new mixed
media piece each day. My husband has been traveling so it's been fun to
do this to pass the time. I've also created a new line of cards from
the ones I like the best. They will be available soon in my handmade
shop. I hope you like them...enjoy.